Setting Environment Variables in ReactNative

An environment variable is a dynamic-named value that can affect App from outside controllers.API Keys, Secret Token, IOS, Android Keys always contain sensitive information which needs to be secure , and meanwhile some config needs to be done from external sources , for example Android Key / IOS Key need to be set through Gradle /Xcode. In such case we require Environment variables(.env).

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To follow this tutorial, Basic Knowledge of Reactnative and configurations required.Create basic project setup using Expo init or ReactNative Cli

Getting Started

There are several ways to set up environment variables(.env) , here we are going to set up through react-native-dotenv. This will help to manage environment variables gracefully throughout the app.

Install react-native-dotenv using

npm install react-native-dotenv --save-dev


yarn add react-native-dotenv

Now create the “.env” file in the root folder and open it and enter config keys. For example,

API_URL: http://rukstech/sample
KEY: awndcdgtytgokfokpoklsweeurhjv


The package react-native-dotenv will help to import all the above environment variables from a .env file. For this we need some configuration.

Open babel.config.js and modify presets like below.

module.exports = {
presets: [

Now , environment variables can import anywhere inside application using below statement

Import { API_URL,KEY} from ‘react-native-dotenv’


In this way,all mobile OS configuration can be made easy.No need to add any native code to integrate for each mobile OS platform separately.

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